New Baby Potatoes fried


New Baby Potatoes       15 - 20 NOs.
Salt & Cayanne          to taste.
Tumeric                 1/2 Tsp. 
Cumin Powder            1 Tsp.
Coriander Powder        1 Tsp.
Cilantro                For Garnish.
Oil                     2 Tsp.
Mustard Seeds           1 Tsp.     

Method :  

Choose the Potatoes roughly of similar size.
Boil the Potatoes in water, drain & Peel.
Heat oil in a pan & season with Mustard seeds. 
Add the whole baby Potatoes,salt,tumeric  & stir.
Add all the spice powders & cook on a low heat .
Cook till desired roast level . 
Adjust seasoning , garnish with cilantro & serve .

This sure will be a definite hit for all occasions , so enjoy
the compliments  

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