Dasera - Navrathri

Navrathri means nine nights & is celebrated for nine days for 3 Devis DURGA, LAKSHMI & SARASWATHI in grand manner especially in Tamilnadu with 'Kolu'. First 3 days are for Durga Devi , next 3 for Maha lalskmi, & last 3 days are for Saraswathi..Dolls of all variety & shapes are beautifully displayed.Preparations start well before the starting day.. with planning for building the steps ,decorations,parks & water tanks. All Children take part very enthusiastically.. I remeber when we were young.. we used to dress up like 'Radha' , Krishna' & all sorts of interesting Characters.. There used to competition between us friends.. in building parks & water tanks...we used to take turns in inviting everybody to our homes.. & for 'vetalaipakku'

Navarthri Recipes :



This picture is from the web site Aaraamthinai