Beetroot cutlet
Bread Crumbs 3 Cups.
Potato,boiled,peeled 3 Nos
Beetroot, peeled 1 Nos
Oil 2 Tbsp
Salt & Chilli powder To Taste.
All Spice 1/4 tsp
Ginger chopped 1 piece
Onion chopped small 1 Nos
Cilantror leaves 1/4 Cup.
Method :
Mash Potatoes.grate beetroots. Wash & Chop Cilantro.
Heat oil in a pan, fry onion, ginger till onion turns golden in colour.
Add the raw grated beetroot,mashed potatoes,salt,spice powders.
Mix in Cialntro leaves & remove from fire.
When cold make into balls, flatten them, cover them with bread crumbs,
Shallow fry them till golden brown with oil.
Serve hot with tomato sauce Ketchup.