Ingredients : Corn Flakes 2 Cups Cashews 20 Nos Raisins 10 Nos Peanuts 1/2 Cup Dalia(pottu Kadalai) 1/2 Cup(optional) Curry leaves few Oil for frying For Masala Powder: Salt 1 tsp Chili powder 1 1/2 tsp citric acid 1/4 tsp hing 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp Dry roasted cumin powder 1 tsp Method : Cornflakes : the Breakfast cereal does not work very well for this recipe since they are pre-fried. Buy the cornflakes available exclusively for this purpose in any Indian store. Heat Oil & with the help of metal strainer fry the cornflakes & strain in paper towel. In the same oil fry all other Ingredients seperately ,strain & mix with cornflakes. Combine with the Masala powder when all the ingredients are still warm . Cool completely & store in air tight containers.