Ingredients: Small Green Eggplants 15 Nos Onion Big 2 Nos chopped finely Salt Acc to taste. Oil 2-3 Tbsp. water 1/2 cup Grind to thick Paste: Coconut grated 1/2 Cup Red Chilies 6 Nos Dhania Seeds 2 Tsp. Dalia(pottu kadalai in Tamil) 1 Tbsp. Onion medium size 1 No Tomatoes 3 Nos Method : Heat a pan with Oil add the chopped Onions & fry for a minute. Add the ground paste,salt & cook till Oil seperates . Cool. Cut The eggplants into four so that you can add filling inside. Stuff the eggplants with the paste fully. Heat the pan with Oil & arrange the stuffed eggplants. Add paste on top if any left,And 1/2 cup water , Cover & cook on a low heat.Stri frequently. It is done when the water evaporates & eggplants are tender & cooked. This is a very tasty dish & people who don't like eggplant will also start liking it. Enjoy!