Ingredients : Onions Big 1 noGreen chillies 2 nos Red Chillies(dry) 2 nos mustard seeds 1 tsp urad dal 2 tsp tamarind dry 1 small piece salt to taste brown sugar 1 tsp oil 1 tbsp Method: Chop the Onions coraesly In a pan heat the oil & add 1 tsp of urad dal,&chilliies. fry for a minute. Add the Onions & salt.Fry till all the ingredients gets mixed & raw smell of onions are gone. Let it cool completely . Add the tamarind,brown sugar & grind it to a fine paste . DO the seasoning with the other tsp of urad dal , mustard seeds in a tsp of oil. Enjoy with steaming Dosas or just plain rice.